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ELAO Placement Test

ELAO is a reliable language assessment tool for universities ans professionals.

It can identify specific areas of improvement for each participant depending on their level.

Choice between general and/or professional evaluation of the language


  • 100% online 

  • Assessment in 30 minutes 

  • Based on the CECRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) with 4 increments per CEFRL level

  • An additional level (A0)

  • 2 interface languages  : French and English


Skills evaluated 

  • Grammatical structures

  • Active vocabulary (or productive)

  • Passive vocabulary (or receptive)

  • Listening comprehension


After purchasing your placement test, please allow 24 hours to receive a link to take your placement test. Our Programs Coordinator will send you your voucher code.

After completing the test, you need to book an appointment with our Programs Coordinator to perform the Speaking part and to receive further instructions to register for one of the classes.


We will contact you with your results few days after.


Once purchased, placement test cannot be refunded.


Alliance Française de Houston was founded in 1923, and is the center of French language and culture in Houston.

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427 Lovett Blvd.,

Houston, Texas 77006

Tel: 713-526-1121



Mon-Tue-Wed 8:30 am – 2:00 pm

Thu  9:00 am –  2:00 pm

Fri 8:30 am – 2:00 pm

Sat 9:00 am – 12:00 pm


© The Alliance Française de Houston is a privately-funded American organization, a Texas non-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation founded in Houston in 1923 with the mission of promoting French language and culture and encouraging French-American friendship and understanding.

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